Account Info API
  • 22 May 2024
  • Dark

Account Info API

  • Dark

Article summary

The Account Info API lets you access the attack status and risk score of an account on your application.

Make a request

All requests must be sent over HTTPS; Requests made over HTTP will fail. In addition, each request must have the following:

  • A host: The Account Defender host URL is always
  • A bearer token: You must authenticate each request with your server token. You can learn how to generate a token with our help article.
  • The content type: This is always application/json.




Path Parameters

Path ParameterDescription
{account_id}The ID for an account.

Query Parameters

Query ParameterRequired or OptionalDescriptionType
attack_typesOptionalThe type of attack(s) to check for on the account. Can be [‘ato’, ‘fake_account’], [‘ato’], [‘fake_account’], or []. If this parameter is not sent, then all available attack types on the account will be checked. The API will return a response based on your available attack types.

If two attack_types are requested, then the API will prioritize returning a response for the attack that has a Pending status. If both are Pending, then the response will be for the attack with the higher risk score.

Otherwise, the returned response will be the Resolved or Archived attack with the highest risk score.

For example, if the account has a Pending attack with a risk score of 60 as well as an Archived attack with a risk score of 100, the returned response will be for the Pending attack.

Sample request

curl -X GET /
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN>' /
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' /

Sample response

    "account_id": "123456789"
    "is_under_attack": true
    "is_manually_created": true
    "risk_score": 100

Response definitions

Response itemDescriptionType
account_idThe ID for the account.String

The status for the attack corresponding to the statuses displayed in the Account Defender portal. 

true corresponds to Pending attacks. 

false corresponds to

  • Resolved or Archived attacks
  • The account does not exist
  • The account exists, but it was never under attack
is_manually_createdWhether the account was manually changed to be under attack. This response is only returned if the value is true .
risk_scoreThe risk score for the attack from 0-100.

Error responses

Error codeDescriptionDetails
400Bad request{
    "result": false,
    "content": "Invalid value: attack_types.0"

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