• 24 Oct 2023
  • Dark


  • Dark

Article Summary


A function that creates a default request handler with built-in HUMAN enforcement. Useful if there is little request/response manipulation in your Fastly JS service.

    config: HumanSecurityConfiguration,
    onPass: (event: FetchEvent) => Response | Promise<Response>,
    onResponse?: (response: Response) => Response | Promise<Response>,
) => ((event: FetchEvent) => Promise<Response>)

Sample usage:

// index.ts
import { HumanSecurityConfiguration, createEnforcedRequestHandler } from "perimeterx-fastly-js-edge";

// define HUMAN configuration
const configs: HumanSecurityConfiguration = {
    px_app_id: '<APP_ID>',
    px_cookie_secret: '<COOKIE_SECRET>',
    px_auth_token: '<AUTH_TOKEN>',

// define what to do when requests pass HUMAN enforcement
const onPass = (event: FetchEvent): Promise<Response> => {
    console.log('handling HUMAN-validated request')
    return fetch(event.request, { backend: 'origin' })

// define what to do for block responses (optional)
const onResponse = (response: Response): Response => {
    console.log('handling response from HUMAN enforcer');
    return response;

// create request handler
const handleRequest = createEnforcedRequestHandler(configs, onPass, onResponse);

// invoke request handler on incoming fetch events
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => event.respondWith(handleRequest(event)));


The entity responsible for performing HUMAN enforcement.


A static function that creates a new instance of the HumanSecurityEnforcer class from a HumanSecurityConfiguration object.

HumanSecurityEnforcer.initialize(params: HumanSecurityConfiguration) => Promise<HumanSecurityEnforcer>
  • Parameters
    • params: HumanSecurityConfiguration
  • Returns a Promise resolving to a new instance of the HumanSecurityEnforcer class


Executes the enforcement functionality, returning a request or response depending on which action should be taken by the worker.

enforce(event: FetchEvent) => Promise<Response | null>

The function returns null when...

  1. The request should not be blocked.
  2. The request should be blocked, but the enforcer has been configured to let these requests pass.

Note: The function may add headers to the original Request object present on the incoming FetchEvent.

The function returns a Response when...

  1. The request should be blocked, and the response is a block page generated by the enforcer.
  2. The request was a first-party request, and the response is the first-party resource requested.

Note: Modifications can be made to this response as needed prior to returning it from the main function.


Performs any post-enforcement processing actions and final modifications to (i.e., setting cookies or headers on) the response if needed.

postEnforce(response: Response) => Promise<void>

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